Influencer Marketing for Restaurant Chains

Influencer Marketing for Restaurant Chains

Influencer marketing as we know is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placements from influencers, people and organizations who possess a purported expert level of knowledge and/or social influence in their respective fields. In the past few years, the concept of restaurant influencer marketing has emerged as an easier way of attracting and engaging with customers. If trusted influencers say positive things about a restaurant, which are based on their own experiences, then their followers are more than likely to believe them and visit the restaurant. This turns out to be the main reason why restaurants have started to actively engage with influencers like food bloggers and restaurant reviewers. Collaborating with Food Bloggers, Vloggers, and Social Media Influencers is a great way to reach out to potential and existing customers.  Food bloggers and other influencers are considered experts on the issue of restaurants, and their verdict can be taken as a guarantee of great experience and even better food. Most bloggers also do not just write about a restaurant like a newspaper ad but they also talk about the experience, what they found good and what sort of connection they felt with the restaurant. This gives the restaurant a personality for people to relate to and an image even before they visit it. Thus, for many in the restaurant business, influencer marketing remains a frontier. Must try below Influencer Marketing for Restaurant.


Here we share a few effective Influencer Marketing Tips for Restaurant Chains:

Select Platforms / Channels with Visual Presentation OptionsAs we know content is the king and content drives the internet today. For restaurants, the visual presentation is the key content. Pictures sell and people love photos of food. As per a recent study, “69 percent of millennials are now taking a photo or video of their food before eating.” This is the reason why most mobile food delivery apps rely on photo menus. Seeing a fresh dish has much more impact than reading about it. So if you are trying to get customers into your restaurant through influencer marketing, its best to consider platforms/channels that present the best opportunity for visual success. Networks like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and even Facebook make good choices, as they all allow your restaurant’s food to be put forward on an influencer’s profile.

Select Influencers as per their and their follower’s Location / Geography:
It doesn’t make sense for a Bengaluru Instagram account promoting a restaurant local to Delhi. As a restaurant brand, its important to figure out where potential is greatest and that generally means as closest to your business as possible. The geography of Social Media Influencers, as well as their followers, is what matters. If you are a single restaurant, a narrow approach with numerous influencers overlapping makes sense. But, if you are a restaurant chain, you’ll want to think more broadly and macro-influencers / celebrity influencers. Macro food influencers have millions of fans across multiple channels, scattered around the country.

Select Micro-Influencers over Macro Influencers:
Macro influencers might have a bigger followers base but micro-influencer content is generally more focused and relatable to the audience, which is ideal for most restaurant businesses. Micro-influencers cost much less than macro-influencers and offer restaurant brands a much more personal experience, often presenting a warm, local presence with friends and family in your community. The use of micro-influencers also results in a significantly higher engagement rate for brands.

The need for micro-influencers marketing for restaurant brands goes beyond mention. Influencer Marketing for Restaurant brands helps them in many ways:
-To be socially credible
-To be more cost-effective
-Target the customers better
-Generate authentic user content
-Bring better online exposure and goodwill for the restaurant 

If you wish to create an influencer marketing campaign for your restaurant then you can get in touch with us.


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